Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Facing our fears...

Yippee - we have connection... so as promised here's a brief overview of our time yesterday.  Sorry about the rushed nature of the editing but we didn't get much of a prolonged 'child-free' evening yesterday!  Anyway here it is...


Now we are fully into day 2 and the pupils of year 6 are "a class to be proud of" (as Kathy said during reflection time last night).  They have been exceptional and during the 'high' activities this morning a proud smile stretched across my face as one or two faced, and conqured their fears of heights! (only when Mick and myself attempted the towering trapeeze jump did I fully appreciate how terrifying it was, and what a huge achievement they made - I may have even let out a girlie cry at one point!)  Anyway I thought I'd let them fill you in, as only year 6's can!...

Dear mum and dad,
Today I went rock climbing, and trapeeze flying!  I was scared but faced my fears, and am now having a good time!
Love Ben R

Dear mum and dad,
Today I had the chance to face my fears by climbing a rock wall and doing the trapeeze.  Although scary and terrifying I had a go and did it!  It will be a day I will never forget.
Love Oscar H


  1. Looks like you're all having great fun. Can't wait to see what Alice & Georgie have been up to today...

  2. Hi Everyone!! Sounds like you are having a ball!!! Glad to see that Ben has got the room all organised! Well done, I have trained you well :-) Soooo jealous, wish I was there with you doing all those geat activities.
    Lots of love Mum, Dad, Briony and Megs. xxxx

  3. Hi Year 6 I can't believe your into day two already - make sure you get all the high scary activities out of the way before I get there - the day 1 video was great, seeing you all in action very exciting. We've let Cocoa and Marti out of their cage to fill up your classroom a bit during the day - you might even be getting a surprise visitor with me tomorrow (not Johnny K) - enjoy your evening and see you soon!! Mrs A x

  4. Hi. Great Video! Any spare spaces for a jealous grown up?? Emma we all miss you - seems strange you are not here on a 'school day'. Any homework yet??

    Have loads of fun. Look forward to tomorrow's update.

    We love you lots xxxx

  5. Hi Emily and all of year 6

    Looks and sounds like you are all having a great time!!! but I bet Mr B and Mr & Mrs G are hoping you are all a bit more worn out and tired tonight!!!! - try for at least 6am tomorrow. Have fun look forward to the next video and more photos

  6. Hello Yr6
    Looks like your having a great time and your doing great activities ( were all counting down the days now for you all to come back)
    Today at school we made a treat what the soldiers love included - Grated apple,condensed milk,orange juice and grated chocolate = Yum Yum!
    See ya really soon

  7. Hi Tia and everyone else

    I heard you showed my letter to some of your freinds and even your teacher! :) Glad you're having a great time, wish i was there! Soo boring and quiet without you Tia, no-one to argue with. I'll update you on eastenders when you come back, nothing has really happened.
    Enjoy yourself and keep smiling :D XX
    Hope you have a good time.

    Miss you loads,
    Lots of love your sister Mia :) xxxx

  8. Hello everyone hope you are having a fantastic time seen the pictures looks FUN!
    The guinea pigs miss you loads so do we.Feels really weird when we go into assembly!

    See ya next week
    Jade W.

  9. Hi all

    What great fun you are having - carry on enjoying and savour every moment as this trip will stay with you for a lifetime.

    Hi Joe - good to see your picture - our cheeky little boy - Dad and Megs say Hi

  10. Sarah,Chris and Isobel Allen2 November 2010 at 17:55

    Hi Josh and All
    Looks like you have all had a fantastic day!!
    It is so nice to have the blog to look at(thank you Mr B)
    Seeing you all having such a great time and watching the video has made Isobel very jealous that she is at school!!
    Enjoy the rest of your evening and we look forward to seeing the next blog update!!!

    Take Care All

    Love And Miss Lots

    Mum,Dad and Isobelxxxxxxxxx

  11. Hi Megan and year 6. I love the video is was so great to see you all having such a great time! Megan see you was on the St Faith ferry I will let Nannie and Grandad Poppett know. Hope you are having a great time. Did you do any of the scarey things!!!!!!! Samuel is missing you he asked were you was when I picked him up from Alison's. Mind you I do not miss you two shouting!!!! Auntie C and Uncle M send you lots of love Auntie C is going to look at the blog.
    Well hun if you get a chance to send me a message let me know what you have been up to. Luv you my angel big kisses from us all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Heyy Ben :)

    Look like your having a good time. Cant wait for you to come home, ive had a nightmare tonight!!

    Ive burnt the pasta, broke the chopping board and burnt my fingers, missing your help!!

    3 more days :D. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Love you. Megs xoxo

  13. It's not fair - we're all working in school and you lot look like you're having a great time! Not so sure about the early starts though.
    I wonder who has the tidiest bedroom?.....I bet it's Ben Rogers!
    Don't wear Mrs G and Mr B out- it's a long time til the Christmas holidays.
    By the way Mrs A said she really, really wants you to video her on the trapeze jump!

  14. Rosemarie Darbon2 November 2010 at 18:26

    I loved looking at the photo's and video But MARIA WHERE ARE YOU !!! I cant see you anywhere. I hope you're having lots of fun. Iggie was meowing very loudly for you this morning and Toby kept asking where you were. I think he was confused as we said you'd gone on holiday and we've only just come back. It's so weird without u here..missing you. LOVE YOU LOTS AND HAVE FUN! x x x Mummy x x x

  15. markturner82@hotmail.com2 November 2010 at 18:55

    Tom, Samuel said "mum Tom is with Ben and Josh and on the video" so of course I rushed to the computer and there you were, I was so pleased to see you, you all look like you are having the best time so thats pleased me. I was saying to Nicholas "whats Tom Tom doing" and he was really laughing knowing how I am missing you, but funny I feel really good now I have seen the video and want you to make sure you have a great time it will go really fast.

    Love you lots and look forward to tomorrow's updates love Mum, dad and Samuel. P.S. samuel jealous and said "ask Mr Bishop why they only got Stubbers" lol
    Oh by the way can anyway blog back what the weather is like x

  16. Year 6 as Mrs Blake said and I think all the parents of Year 6 will agree Mrs A needs to do the trapeze jump!!!!!

  17. hi maria
    hope you are having a really good time. it seems so quiet without you. i can't see you in any of the pictures or the videos !!!
    have fun in all of your activities to come !!!
    daddy also wanted me to mention him because mummy did not mention him in her earlier message :)
    toby also said hi ria and keeps asking where are you and keeps asking when you are coming back!
    see you soon

  18. hi thomas, its nicholas and auntie kim here :) looks like your having a good time out there with your mates :) mum says she wishes she was there with you, your mum is talking non stop about you and we are all (including samuel!) missing you! ill see you A.S.A.P when you get back from the trip, see you soon mate bye!:)

  19. hi everyone looks like your having a brilliant time. I thought this week would be completely boring but it's turning out to be a fantastic week.on friday we are going to have a mini party HURRAY!
    see you soon

  20. Hi everyone we had to do our world war 2 walk today we had to walk for 3 hours!We also went to St Andrews church in hornchurch and saw a real pirate grave his name was captain bluebeard.

  21. i loved the isle of white in PGL i really want to go back now i miss evrything from louisa wright xoxoxoxoxoxox

  22. hope you enjoyed isle of white:( :( :B
