Thursday, 4 November 2010

I need a HUG

Can't believe how tired I feel. As I was making my bed, I fell asleep! Can't imagine how the kids are going to be in a few minutes when I attemp to wake them!

In some random, mindless way I chose to read a story last night about little Bobo the cheeky monkey. All little Bobo wanted to do was give his mummy a hug, but he couldn't find her anywhere! No one else seemed to be as good a hugger as his mum... Anyway to cut a long story short... He finds her and gives her a huge hug. Predictable I know... However it was mindless as I completely forgot that most of the kids would be wanting that exact same thing and it just might make them a little homesick! Fortunately Mrs A stepped in to give cuddles all round.

Well last day. Let's see what this has in store...

Oh no did someone say a disco tonight.... Argh!!!


  1. Morning everyone!
    Hope you all slept well to prepare yourselves for the day's events oh yes and the disco tonight!!!!!! So excited for you all. Have a fantastic last night.
    Ben - cant wait to see you tomorrow, have missed you so much!!! It has been soooo quiet. Look out for nan and grandad, they might be on your ferry!!!
    Have a fantastic day and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
    Lots and lots of love
    Mum xxxxxxxxx

  2. Morning everyone hope you enjoy your last day and have a great evening @ the disco :)
    Tom slept in your bed last night as dad was SNORING SO LOUD, I had the right hump!!! so was with you in your thoughts if you were a little homesick after MR B story (Mr B what were you thinking I got upset reading your blog LOL you must have been very tired, glad Mrs Augustine stepped in).
    Anyway Tom cant wait to see you its just not the same @ home without you, Sam wont give cuddles or kisses so really, really looking forward to one of yours, and dont get upset as you know as well as me within 5 mins of you coming through the door I will be shouting @ you and Samuel lol got lots of goodies in.
    Enjoy your last day looks such a great place they really do look after you there and have loads to do by the look of the video's, and have a fantastic time @ the disco tonight, show Josh and Ben your moves.
    Sending hugs, kisses and lots and lots of love mum, dad and Sam xxxxxx

  3. Morning campers Especially our Emily Hope the night walk wasn't too scary last night! Have fun on your last day And dance the night away tonight! Love mum dad jessica katie xxx ps loved the video last night Are you having another go today Mrs A?

  4. Morning everyone and a special good morning to Max! I've not seen you smiling yet!! lol I do hope you're having the best time. How was the night walk? Find any special night critters?

    Really really quiet and tidy at home without you. I've had no drink cups or bottles to throw away or anything. I'm getting quite bored now! ha ha

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy your disco tonight. Throw a few good shapes for me.

    Lots of love.

  5. Hi Georgie
    Hope you're feeling better today. Nan and I saw you doing your 'Robin Hood' on the archery - we were very impressed.
    Hey shrimp, mum & I are looking forwards to picking you up tomorrow. Have a great day and boogie down at the disco...
    Love Grandad/Dad

  6. Morning AJ and the rest of the tired bunnies.Just watched the new video and i am so jealous of all you rugrats having so much fun,unlike mummy and me stuck here with devil drew!!!lol.Hope you all torture MRS A and MR B some more before you come home because its great to watch adults scream.Enjoy your last day and tonights disco,hope MR B dosn't don a white suit and struts around like John Travolta.Can't wait to see you tomorrow, luff mum,dad,devil drew,daisy,izzie,kylie,roxy and lenny xxx.(PS. ive eaten all your halloween sweets and the guinea pigs need cleaning out).

  7. Hi Callum and all year 6,

    Hope you are all feeling wide awake for another fun day.How was the night hike?
    Looks like the weather is going to be ok again today for all you dare devils!
    Have you tried Jacobs ladder yet?I heard you talking about it on the video,Adele says this is one of the best activities.Have another great day and enjoy the disco tonight.
    Lots of Love Mum ,Dad, Rianne and Adele XXX

  8. Good Morning Emma Goood Morning Year 6 Good Morning Teachers. Hope you all have another great day. Emma, Toby has obviously missed you and has been sleeping on our bed for a bit of company. Great to see some video of you and can't wait to see some more. Have a great time at the disco tonight and hope they have some MJ,Usher and NEO!

  9. Morning Lovely Louisa, and the Wonderful Year 6 Team!! Can't believe this is the last day for your activities, make sure you do all the stuff you want to do and enjoy everything! I loved the video of Mrs. A on the big swing - laughed so much - but how brave - don't think I would be brave enough! Make sure you enjoy your disco tonight and "bust the moves"!! Hope you was OK with the night walk last night, it must have been exciting and fun (know what you are like with the dark!). Anyway, we have missed you so very much, home is so quiet (even with Taylor there!) - can't wait to see you tomorrow for a big, big hug. (Mr. B we need to get you some lessons on reading time!!). Big thanks to all the staff for making this week such a fantastic time for all Year 6 - well done xxxx

  10. Hi Rory, I got your letter today, thank you so much, it was lovely! Thanks for telling me to go on this blog, it's great to see what you are up to-what fun you all seem to be having. I think you should challange Mr Bishop to a "Dance-off" tonight I am sure he has been secretly practicing! See you tommorrow Rory,we all miss you, and the animals are fine, Pip has'nt eaten any more birds or mice and Basils going mad at the firework sounds (He has broken the cat flap twice now)Thank god for the tablets from the Vets! See you soon Mum xxxxx

  11. Hi Tom, just got your letter (cried lol) glad your having a great time. Told nan you said happy birthday and dont worry about Grandad he is doing ok, his face lights up when I tell him you have gone to the Isle of Wight so have fun for him. Dont worry about the bed being hard you will be back in your own lovely bed tomorrow, and when you get in bed tonight you will be so tired from the daytime activities and disco you will not feel how hard the bed is.
    Love you so much, thanks for the letter will post something later
    bye 4 now love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :) :) :)

  12. Hi Megan and year 6. Just got your letter Megan it is so lovely to ear from you. Sounds like you are having a great time. Not looking forward to the yuky washing when you het home after the wet activities!!!! Yesterdays video was fantastic. Have a great day today. Bet you are looking forward to the disco tonight. loads lof love sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Reception Class :)4 November 2010 at 13:23

    Hello Year 6! We are Reception!
    Have a nice holiday. Hola! We think it looks fun and scary on the swing.We really miss you at lunchtime and we hope you come back soon.
    Goodnight Year 6 and see you soon!!!!
    Love from Reception (actually what they said!!!)

  14. Emma Just got your letter and glad that you are enjoying everything and that you listened to your IPOD the whole way there - no change there then. Nanny and Grandad were round for Hannah's birthday and saw the video of you climbing the pole.

    Have fun

    Lots of love

    Mum,Dad Hannah and Tobes.

  15. Hi Ben
    Got your letter today :-) Sorry to hear that you were feeling homesick, sure you have got over that now though and are having lots of fun. Can't wait to see the video of the disco!!!!! Enjoy your last day and will see you tomorrow for MEGA hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love you loads
    Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Hi Again Megan I have just watched all the videos again I am so hoping that Mr B can put it all on DVD? It would be wonderful to be able to keep. I have to say I get a complete fit of the giggles when I watch Mrs A on the swing!!! (Sorry Mrs A) hope you have found a way to get Mr B back!!!
    Are you going to let the adults have a boogie tonight or is that going to be Sooooooooooooo embrassing!!!
    If Mr B has read out my earlier message (Which I have just looked back on) I think I need to join year 6 for some spelling lessons!!!!!!! Hope you are having a fun day love ya loads. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. Hello Rory,Mums showed me your letter it was really sweet and haha i get the T.V all to my self :) hope your having fun have a good time at the disco... love you lots!! Holly xxx

  18. To Greeny EMMY Meanies and Yr6, Counting the hours down now!!! Can't wait to see you and hear all about your big Adventure. Did you do everything and how many fivers do I owe you? Make sure you say a BIG Thankyou to Mr B, Mr G and Mrs G for this special week....Have a Great time tonight and see you tomorrow.

    Lots of Love
    Mum Dad and Oliver xxx

  19. Hi Tia and Everyone else.

    Thanks for the letter Tia, it was nice knowing you're having a good time.
    Nanny came round today and has watched all the videos, she is very proud of you, haha could you imagine nan doing it herself! She said hello and can't wait to see you to give you a big hug.

    Love you lots baby girl.
    Mia xxxx

  20. PS Emmy, I didn't get my letter only a pizza menu :o( Did you send me one!!!!
    Love Mum :0) xxxx

  21. Hi Josh and All
    Thank you sooooo much for our letter josh you would not believe how happy I was when i opened it!!! i think isobel thought i had finally gone mad as i was dancing around like a nutter singing we av heard from josh(embarrassing i know!!)but it was just so good to hear from you!! Tell Ben and Tom I said Hi back,hope they are both ok? and that you have all looked after each other if any of you have felt abit sad.

    You all look like you have had such a great time!! Enjoy the disco tonight(josh behave yourself with the girls!!!!)

    Have a safe journey tomorrow,im so excited about seeing all your lovely little faces when you get of the coach tomorrow!!!

    Have fun on your last night and go easy on the teachers as it looks like they have been doing a great job in looking after you all!!!

    Take Care All

    Love And Miss You Loads

    Mum,Dad&iz xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    ps I will try not to cuddle you to death tomorrow josh Lol

  22. Hello Louisa (Midget)! Home has been nice and quiet without you (only joking), I have missed you. You look like you have had a great time. Well, see you tomorrow. Love Taylor xxxx

  23. Hello Louisa, we got your beautiful letter it made me and dad soooooooo happy! We loved your pictures you did for us! Not long now and we can see you beautiful face and you know I will need to squeeze you until you want to go back to PGL!! Enjoy the disco, sleep well and we will see you tomorrow - really can't wait - missed you loads and love you loads, mum and dad and Taylor xxxxxxxxx

  24. its sam your bestest big brother! oi why are you missing mum most? for this i have put pips poo in your x box! mwuhahahahaha

    p.s are Mr A, B and C from the mr men.

  25. to rory forgot to put it last time. anyway so in other news dad has now had lazer hair surgery meaning you will come home to a dad sporting a highlighted mullet and handle bar moustache.

  26. also mum now goes by the name of steve and has joined a motorcycle gang called the witches angels she also has a handle bar moustache.

    this is important news that you have asked for!

    love sam, im still completly normal and incredibly good looking!
