Sunday, 7 November 2010

The Climb

If, like me, you are missing all things Isle of Wight, here is a little pick-me-up!


Enjoy your last day of rest and recovery and don't forget your swimming kits tomorrow!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Only 1 child this morning

I bet you all missed your early morning wake up call this morning??! I know I didn't, it was especially nice only having 1 child to get ready this morning... however, no cooked breaksfast is going to be hard to get used to.

Anyway after here's your next installement.  It is only a brief video as not much happened except travelling home!  Enjoy watching our last day together...


I am in the process of rethinking 'the blog', after various comments and tears at the thought of not having a regular link to year 6 due course you will see this page become adapted to 'Bish Blog' - a blog dedicated to keeping you informed of our activities and special events.  I doubt VERY much whether I will be able to keep it updated as regularly as this past week, but homework and newsletters etc, will take on a new exciting dimension (more to follow)

One final note... Hopefully either later tonight or tomorrow, there should be one or two more videos being posted, to keep the post residential blues at bay! Keep checking!

Jon (as of Monday...Mr B) x

Friday, 5 November 2010

... got the suitcase in the van...

After a rough crossing, we are now back on the mainland! The original time for return of 3.30pm still seems to be on. Fortunately most kids are now calm and resting, with the driver putting on "only fools and horses"!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Embarrasing dad!

Well here it is.  Its a bit of a longer one as there were quite a few things happening today.  Sorry for the delay. Your final installment of our 5 day adventure will be uploaded over the weekend at some point after our return voyage. 

The added bonus, due to the lateness of posting, has meant the late night disco has been able to be featured.  It was a fun evening spoilt only by a few comments from your insensistive children, such as, "you dance like my dad." or "please move away from me, you are embarrasing!"  My feelings have been greatly hurt.  Anyway enjoy day 4...


See you all tomorrow


Thursday, 4 November 2010

Busy Bees!

It seems we are finishing the week in the same manner we started, mainly the internet being non-responsive!  Really sorry but unsure as to whether day 4 video will appear this evening, but guaranteed a posting first thing in the morning... so keep checking!  (Just to drag out the suspense)

For now I'll fill you in on the days activities...

  • Jill left today, which was sad.  Although a flying visit, she seemed to give the children a fresh burst of energy whilst she was in town.
  • Quad Biking, Sensory Trail, Aerial slide, Trampoling, Problem solving were the main ingredients of the day, with some great moments.
  • Tonight is the leaving disco, so likely to be up all night!

We are currently in the process of packing, so just an advance notice...

 I may have got over excitied with wetting the children when they were trawling through the mud, and wading across rivers this afternoon... as a result clothes took a bit of a battering!  I have tried to ensure that wet clothes are packed in a sepearate bin bag to dirty clothes, but apologies in advance if some don't listen.

TOMORROWS travel arrangements... A busy morning tomorrow with one activity straight after breakfast 9-10.30 and then onto coaches to catch the 11am ferry!  I know this is tight but I don't want to miss my chance to go on the Quad Bikes!  We are estimated to be back at Suttons for 3.15pm, however I am going to try and delay the driver until 3.30pm to avoid the Sanders and parent traffic.  I will post on this blog when we have a more accurate time of arrival (around lunchtime tomorrow hopefully).

Once again sorry for no day 4 video, upload speeds are slow, but will keep trying.  For now I have attached a couple of todays photos to keep you all going.  See you SOON x

I need a HUG

Can't believe how tired I feel. As I was making my bed, I fell asleep! Can't imagine how the kids are going to be in a few minutes when I attemp to wake them!

In some random, mindless way I chose to read a story last night about little Bobo the cheeky monkey. All little Bobo wanted to do was give his mummy a hug, but he couldn't find her anywhere! No one else seemed to be as good a hugger as his mum... Anyway to cut a long story short... He finds her and gives her a huge hug. Predictable I know... However it was mindless as I completely forgot that most of the kids would be wanting that exact same thing and it just might make them a little homesick! Fortunately Mrs A stepped in to give cuddles all round.

Well last day. Let's see what this has in store...

Oh no did someone say a disco tonight.... Argh!!!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Action Packed!

Unfortunately there is not much time to chat tonight as we are all off on a night hike around the Island!  It is now VERY dark, cold and windy... the perfect ingredients for some scary stories! 

For now this video should keep you updated on the days adventures.  Most groups seem to be really gelling well together and comments along the lines of, "fantasic", "scary but exciting", "rewarding" are commonplace.


Thank you for all you lovely comments and thoughts, we read them as a class during evening reflection time.  Keep them coming.  By the way 25 out of 27 showered tonight (the two tonight are NOT amongst the seven from last night!)  Food has been great, cooked breakfasts, lunches and dinners, with ALL children eating plenty... all that fresh air and exercise.

(Although I will massively miss the children when we leave, 48 hours time I will be sipping cocoa in a nice warm bath, catching up on the 'neighbours' I've missed this week...)

Uh oh... Mums coming... Quick tidy your room!

Mrs A is coming to town today!! Yipee...Not bad... 6.5 hours sleep last night. Kids were out like a light. This morning there were quie a few very tired eyes, I'm not sure they appreciated my rendition of "oh what a beautiful morning!" Is it normal but I feel very nervous about Mrs A coming to visit! I've even tidied my room incase she does a dorm inspection!!

On the upside, the weather is yet again... Blue skies and sunshine! Beautiful.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

21 out of 27 NOT BAD?!?!

As day 2 is drawing to a close, todays video gives a brief overview into some of the activities we have been involved in.  I hope you enjoy it...


As the children are writting letters home tonight, I won't get them to comment on this blog today, just keep an eye out for the postman!

To alay any fears 21 out of 27 children have showered and smell beautiful... it's the first time I've ever used a marksheet to check off those who'd showered (thanks for the lists Mrs. Ingrey they came in useful!).  Worryingly one child took 3 (YES THREE) attempts to get clean in the shower!!

Anyway... enjoy your beds and lots of sleep, thank you for all your comments and thougts, the children really enjoy hearing from you all.


Facing our fears...

Yippee - we have connection... so as promised here's a brief overview of our time yesterday.  Sorry about the rushed nature of the editing but we didn't get much of a prolonged 'child-free' evening yesterday!  Anyway here it is...


Now we are fully into day 2 and the pupils of year 6 are "a class to be proud of" (as Kathy said during reflection time last night).  They have been exceptional and during the 'high' activities this morning a proud smile stretched across my face as one or two faced, and conqured their fears of heights! (only when Mick and myself attempted the towering trapeeze jump did I fully appreciate how terrifying it was, and what a huge achievement they made - I may have even let out a girlie cry at one point!)  Anyway I thought I'd let them fill you in, as only year 6's can!...

Dear mum and dad,
Today I went rock climbing, and trapeeze flying!  I was scared but faced my fears, and am now having a good time!
Love Ben R

Dear mum and dad,
Today I had the chance to face my fears by climbing a rock wall and doing the trapeeze.  Although scary and terrifying I had a go and did it!  It will be a day I will never forget.
Love Oscar H

I'm too old for this!!

Having slept for only a few hours, I could not believe how spritely 10/11 year olds can be at 5.30am!! Girls are the worse... However after a few stern words (mainly along the lines of, "lights out, silent, or else... You won't like me when I get angry!") all has gone silent again. Now I'm sitting in bed, sippin' a cuppa, and debating on getting up in a few minutes...

Why does the morning come round so quickly?!?

Thank you

Just worked out how to access this blog from my phone, albeit rather slowly and tedious! A huge thank you from year 6 for all of your lovely messages! They are massively appreciated. I will try and read them out tomorrow. For now a couple of messages to you all...

Dear mum. Just got here, had loads of fun already. Took some pictures of the dorm. Say hi to everyone, miss you and see you soon. We might do some activities tomorrow. Bye, Emily E

Dear mum, I had a good time getting here, felt a little homesick but better now. Had some races which were really fun. Love you. Max.

More tomorrow....

(P.s. lovely letter Mia, Tia had already written two letters to you all by the time we'd got to the Dartford crossing!! "I just want to get them done and out of the way!")

Monday, 1 November 2010

The land that time forgot....

Please don't laugh Mrs.Blake, but after all that hard work and IT wizardry, we've arrived in the Isle of Wight only to find that the INTERNET IS DOWN!!!

Unfortunately Mr.Bishop can't upload any videos or photos tonight, so his beautiful wife is typing up the blog for him (his words, not mine!)

We arrived safely, settled in and unpacked.  All lights were out and semi-asleep! by 9:30pm.

Please keep checking the blog as we hope to have access to the internet tomorrow.
